Latest Newsletter

The love YOU share

gives neighbors like Ryan hope for a better life…

“I’m grateful for this second chance!”

Ryan has fond memories of his childhood – his mother provided a stable home life and his father was an addiction counselor. Sadly, losing both parents to cancer knocked him off his feet. Even as he tried to overcome his grief, he only felt more despair. Everyone around him seemed happy, but Ryan was traumatized by loss. “I escaped by isolating myself with drugs and alcohol,” he shares.

Feeling disconnected from the world, Ryan lost his job and his home and spiraled into hopelessness. “I couldn’t envision anything or anybody saving me,” he recalls. Homeless and alone, he considered ending his life… but then he sensed a powerful message from God to ask for help.

“I remember saying, ‘I can’t be like this anymore!’” Mustering courage, Ryan reached out to the Mission.

“God led me to this place of change and growth.”

As he embarked on a new path through our LifeChange Program, Ryan discovered he wasn’t alone in his pain, and that lasting support was available. Classes, counseling and daily Bible study at the Mission helped him create a foundation of faith. “I finally understand that God will always be there, guiding me every step of the way,” he says with confidence.

Today, Ryan is sober, mature and ready to share his gifts with others who are still struggling. He enjoys serving at the Mission, pitching in wherever he’s needed, and looks forward to making a positive impact in the community. “If I can do it, then I believe I can inspire others to do it, too.” Following in his father’s footsteps, Ryan is learning how to counsel people through trauma and addiction.

Ryan now has strength for his future because of your heart of compassion for him and other neighbors in need. Because you chose to share God’s love, he has a path forward in life. “The love and support I received here, through Christ, completely changed my life for the better. It’s been amazing!”

To read the rest of this issue of The BREAD Newsletter click here.

Help other people like Ryan

Ryan’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?